Individuelle Herausforderungen brauchen flexible Lösungen.
The design and implementation of web solutions is our daily business. The many man-years of work in numerous projects pay off for our customers. Our experts identify recurring scenarios and bring the projects to a successful conclusion.
The core mission of our teams is to solve mission critical digital challenges.
Our fields of expertise are in the areas of:
When it's all or nothing
Mission-Critical Web Projects
Many can develop websites. Our specialty are the really hard cases, where every second of availability matters. The ones where the success of your project also significantly affects the success of your business.
E-commerce Decoupled
Headless Commerce
A monolithic IT architecture is a relic of the past in e-commerce. Because in times of omnichannel, valuable competitive potential is lost. Instead, the keyword is headless commerce.
When every millisecond counts
High-Performance Applications
It requires a deep understanding and extensive knowledge to reliably manage an e-commerce platform with millions of products or an online campaign with hundreds of thousands of participants each day.
Focus on content
Content Management
There are many content management systems, but only with the right CMS will your content be visible and usable. We support our customers in this!
Changing business models
Cloud Transformation
All too often cloud transformation projects are misunderstood or postponed, even today. Do not hesitate and prepare your web project for tomorrow – by making use of the full potential of a cloud solution.
Laravel Trainings
An important part of the work of our experts is the transfer of knowledge - remotely, on site, in-house or individually.
The design and implementation of web solutions is our daily business. The many man-years of work in numerous projects pay off for our customers. Our experts identify recurring scenarios and bring the projects to a successful conclusion.
The core mission of our teams is to solve mission critical digital challenges.
Our fields of expertise are in the areas of:
When it's all or nothing
Mission-Critical Web Projects
Many can develop websites. Our specialty are the really hard cases, where every second of availability matters. The ones where the success of your project also significantly affects the success of your business.
E-commerce Decoupled
Headless Commerce
A monolithic IT architecture is a relic of the past in e-commerce. Because in times of omnichannel, valuable competitive potential is lost. Instead, the keyword is headless commerce.
When every millisecond counts
High-Performance Applications
It requires a deep understanding and extensive knowledge to reliably manage an e-commerce platform with millions of products or an online campaign with hundreds of thousands of participants each day.
Focus on content
Content Management
There are many content management systems, but only with the right CMS will your content be visible and usable. We support our customers in this!
Changing business models
Cloud Transformation
All too often cloud transformation projects are misunderstood or postponed, even today. Do not hesitate and prepare your web project for tomorrow – by making use of the full potential of a cloud solution.
Laravel Trainings
An important part of the work of our experts is the transfer of knowledge - remotely, on site, in-house or individually.
We are building something great together
Tell us about the challenges of your project.
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