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Welcome to byte5 ...

Louay Jebran

In this blog series, the newest members of our second family introduce themselves. Today: Our trainee, Louay Jebran, who had to drop out of his studies in his home country Syria and has now gained a foothold at byte5.

In this blog series, the newest members of our second family introduce themselves. Today: Trainee Louay Jebran. The 25-year-old Syrian had to drop out of his studies in Damascus two years ago and has now gained a foothold at byte5.

My Way to byte5

Where are you from? Where were you before you came to byte5?

I am from Syria. I came to Germany in 2017. Before that, I studied ITE (Information Technology Engineering) at Damascus University in Syria for three years.

What brought you to byte5?

After the German course I did here in Germany, I wanted to continue my education. I decided that a professional training would be the best way for me. Looking for a job, I came across byte5. That was one of the companies that I liked the most.

byte5-Azubi Louay Jebran

© byte5

byte5-Azubi Louay Jebran

My byte5

What are your current tasks?

I am currently working with Xamarin on the app for Stuttgart Airport. Also: learn, learn and learn.

What do you like best about byte5 so far?

The friendly working atmosphere! I was surprised to find that as a trainee I can still take on a part of a project. I like that. I really like learning through practice.

Describe byte5 in three words, starting with the first letter of your name:

Lebensfroh (cheerful), leichtfallen (easy going), Lebenserfahrung (life experience)

byte5-Azubi Louay Jebran bei der Weihnachtsfeier, im Hintergrund schreiben alle Kollegen in der byte5-WhatsApp-Gruppe

© byte5

byte5-Azubi Louay Jebran bei der Weihnachtsfeier, im Hintergrund schreiben alle Kollegen in der byte5-WhatsApp-Gruppe

My Favourite ...

technology: The Internet.

computer game: Dota 2

music genre: Depends on my mood. My favourite band is Imagine Dragons.

film genre: All of them. Yep, I like watching every genre. Even the stupid “horror films” – something that makes you laugh doesn’t hurt.

superhero: Iron-Man

place to lunch in Ostend: Everywhere. The main thing is food.

spot in the byte5 office: Our “Konfi”, the conference toom!

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